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스탠드 업 티 파우치 제조업체 Beyin 포장

짧은 설명:

  • 스탠드 업 파우치는 자체적으로 선반에 세울 수 있으며 전시하기에 더 좋습니다.
  • Folied layer can block UV light,oxygen and moisture outside,and keep the tea freshness as long as possible
  • 파우치에 지퍼를 추가하여 포장 백을 재밀봉할 수 있습니다.
  • 고객이 포장 봉투를 쉽게 뜯을 수 있도록 찢을 수 있는 노치가 필요합니다.
  • 투명 창을 통해 최종 고객이 포장 봉투 내부의 내용을 직접 확인할 수 있도록 설계하여 판매를 늘릴 수 있습니다.
  • BPA-FREE 및 FDA 승인 식품 등급 소재


Stand up tea pouches|tea pouches manufacturer|Beyin packing

Stand up pouches are the most popular tea pouches type in the market,with the gusset bottom,they can stand on the shelf by themselves,and better to display.Compare with flat tea pouches,besides the front and back panel,there's a bottom on the stand up pouch,and the bottom is folded into the packaging bag before use it,and after filling in the product,the bottom will be extended,and increase the utilization while make the bottom flat and can stand up on the shelf stably,easily to display your product.


stand up tea packaging bags
stand up tea packaging bags
stand up tea packaging bags

Because of the exquisite appearance, and the characteristics of independent display, this kind of tea pouch is generally used for the packaging of high-quality and small-volume products, with exquisite and unique design, and the matte surface is more recommended because it looks more classic, the whole packaging looks good, which means that the quality of your products is also high-quality.

Generally, we would suggest adding a zipper to the tea pouch, because the user cannot consume the product at one time. With zipper, even if the customer has opened the packaging bag, it can still be sealed again, so that the product can be contacted as little oxygen,moisture and uv light as possible. and to extend the freshness time of the tea.

And tear notch is essential for patea pouches, because the materials used in tea packaging bags are stretch-resistant, resistant to friction, beating, and puncture. If there is no tear notch, it is difficult for consumers to open the packaging bags,that will be a very bad experience for customers.

If you need, you can also design a clear window on the front of the bag, so that customers can intuitively see what products are in the bag, but for products such as tea that need to be kept away from light, it is rarely recommended to use a transparent window.

Beyin Packing has been specialized in plastic packaging and paper packaging for more than 20 years. we have a mature production and sales team. As long as you understand your products and tell us your needs, we will recommend the most suitable tea pouches solution for you. Don’t hesitate to chat with us right away.


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