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Китай оптовая zip замок специи мешки с окном

Краткое описание:

  • Stand up pouch and flat bags are available,
  • Folied layer can block UV light,oxygen and moisture outside,and keep the freshness as long as possible,
  • Zipper can be added on the pouch to reseal the packaging bags,
  • Tear notch is needed to let customer open the packaging bags easily,
  • Clear window can be designed to let end-customer see what’s inside the packaging bags directly,increase the sale,
  • Не содержит бисфенола и одобрен FDA как пищевой материал


zip lock spice bag

Спецификация продукта

Артикул China wholesale zip lock spice bag
Размер 18*23+8 or customized
Материал Матовая или глянцевая поверхность с фольгированной подкладкой или по индивидуальному заказу
Толщина 100-150 микрон/сторона или по индивидуальному заказу
Характеристика Замок на молнии, подкладка из фольги, высокий барьер
Обработка поверхности Гравированная печать
MOQ 30 000 штук

Details for the spice bag:

China wholesale zip lock spice bag
China wholesale zip lock spice bag
China wholesale zip lock spice bag
China wholesale zip lock spice bag

This is a stand up zip lock spice bag, material: PET/AL/PE, thickness: 120 microns/side, size:18*23+8cm, MOQ: 20,000 pcs.

Some people may have some questions about the material AL and VMPET, the differences between AL and VMPWT are like pure gold and gold plating, AL is pure foil, while VMPET is not. When you need to last your product’s shelf life, Al will be a better choice on waterproof and UV resistant. Then how to distinguish them, you can turn on the flashlight of your phone, then put it into the bag, if you can see the lights out of the bag, then its VMPET, while if there is no lights leak out, then its AL.

More Bag Type

There are many different bag types according to different usage, check below picture for details.

China wholesale zip lock spice bag

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